I was so excited when the day came for The Huz and I to prime our house. Less than one percent of the homes in the 'hood are painted and I knew that once our neighbors saw us spraying the house they would freak. The day was sunny and mid-80s. Perfect for priming. Or so I thought! Stephanie and Hunter (our favorite DIY neighbors) had plans of their own. They totally stole our thunder by grading their yard on the same day at the same time! Everyone - dog walkers, skateboarders, bikers, strolling moms, even the mailman - was transfixed on that yellow sonic booming Catepillar, oblivious to the the all-white transformation occuring across the street. My heart sunk as I realized that my little paint brush just couldn't compete with their booming excavator.
Aside - I have to say, even we stared at the excavator. They unearthed many treasures that day. The best included a beach chair and an 8x10 rug! The former owner was a scientist who performed strange experiments in and around the house. Steph & H. had to remove six layers of sheet rock from the walls and fill in peepholes that were found in every room.